Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How About Those Jobs?

Isn't if hilarious the current Congress just voted themselves about a $5000. raise... and there have been how many party's at the White House?
What about all the jobs?? Obama's Administrain CLAIMS they created a million jobs.. where are they? Did you get one? If so please let me know. I would like to start keeping track since it seems the Obama Czars can't. It's been shown that the webpage to keep track of all that information is filled with untruths, yet they have no plan to correct the figures.

I would love to see Congress say, "Oh no.. we don't think it would be very THOUGHTFUL of us at this time to take an extra...let's see.. 535 Members of Congress, times $5000 (average) = $2,675,000.00. We know the country
is really about 17% (or more) unemployed and underemployed.. and that's just the average %. We've decided as the Congress this money, that none of us truly need, would be better spent on the American people, and therefore, we will forgo the raise."
Wouldn't that be terrific? Government doing something for us..How about actually creating a few jobs. Jobs would be nice right now and THERE ARE MILLIONS OF US OUT HERE THAT WILL WORK... WILL WORK FOR MONEY.

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