Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The List

I realize Obama is green and that every new President who enter the White House has a plan.. a dream that they want to fulfill.. Unfortunately, the people of this country do not agree with his 'real' dream for America, which is to 'redistribute the wealth'. It's all about control, and I wake up everyday wondering if today is the day we are all going to regret we elected him.
If he had told us what he really had planned, would we have elected him? I don't believe we would have. If we had known the type of individuals he would give power to over us, would we have elected him? I don't think so.
For a while, those of us in our later years have been being called 'thugs' and other insulting names because we decided to support the Tea Party Movement. A group of people, not organized but with a common belief that our country is in danger.. Our Constitution is being threatened. We have seen what Communism, Marxism and Socialism have done to other countries and we know for sure we do not want it here.
Unfortunately, Obama and his group of supporters seem to think that we don't have good sense... But we do have good sense.. and we don't think people that are not qualified should be making decisions about our country and our future.
Why is the head of SEIU at the Whitehouse so much? What could Obama and he have to talk about that is so important he has been there 22 times in 9 months...what is it that they discuss?
How many radicals does it take to destroy a country? Think about it. If the American people allow this to happen our country will be doomed.. I believe in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution which protect us and our country from being taken over by radicals, but only if the American people stand up and voice their dissatisfaction with this Administration.
You have a voice here, if you are an American.

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